
An intrusive celebration of a defense of Western middle-class self-absorption, accompanied by droning bass, flashing lights and dirty play.
In prty lyf , Trondheim artist Ibrahim Fazlic will banish all your sorrows. Through the sea of ​​eternally repeating bass and strobe lights, he will entice and seduce you from the VORSPIEL through the SPIEL and into the NACHSPIEL. By the time the night is over, he's drowned all your middle-class woes and led you to play dirty at the party.

The performance examines the Iland population's relationship to themselves and the world. In the contradictions, the powerlessness, the bad conscience and the self-destructive play, Fazlic is looking for a Western right to suffering in a world perspective.

Fazlic is a trained actor from Nord University, and has since staged four independent productions. prty lyf was his first all-evening performance at Teaterhuset Avant Garden, when it was part of the autumn program 2018. The performance and the artist himself received a lot of attention in connection with last year's premiere - and all performances played to almost full houses.
The nightclub-like set, his outrageous costumes, the thundering music over the speakers provide a context.
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Willy Walder

This rather cheerful SAD BOI leads the high tempo festivities throughout the evening. The atmosphere is an inevitability, because the venue is filled with people who are ready to party.
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Tomine Barstad Solvang

Fazlic knows and uses the many conventions of the performing arts and that is precisely why the performance is so powerful when he constantly, and unexpectedly, breaks with those conventions.
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Amund Grimstad